Monday, March 26, 2007

On the contrary, I think this would be a better way of versing the chorus of this song.

When you go
And would you even turn to say
"I don't love you
Like I did yesterday"

When you go
And would you even turn to say
"I don't love you"
Like I did yesterday

Mama always tells me "when you desperately pray for someone, you cry because caring can be so tough". And today, I know why it is true as such.

So how do people cure emptiness? Because all I was trying to get across and confide in you tonight was that, emptiness became utter sorrow and I didn't choose for my shell to overtake me. I am not her now. I am not the friend you endearingly smother callings of "Lio" to. I am a tunnel without light. The gothic void welcome me back to the abyss.

But hey, I'm out of the sickened cycle. I ought to be happy. Yes?