Monday, November 24, 2008

i felt so blessed knowing that i am the one who is able to change you for the better, i am pleased and blessed too that you're the person who is here with me walking through this life of mine n ours. i felt so lucky to have you by my side, assuring me at the right moment when the others are there waiting to prey. thank you darling. u made me realise how independent and dependent you make me of you.

It certainly didnt dawn on me that i am able to give so much advices and my two cents worth of life values to you when i m only a sweet 22. but lookin at all of it, i certainly felt mature and more like a man who is able to shoulder the responsibility of looking after a family which i will eventually build. Personal spaces, freedom we want to individually pursue, it dont matter, in fact what binds us is this little thing call mutual trust and that trust is something that make everything possible and worthy to live for. 

I am elated to have you with me. 

I love you Cheryl.

Your Bobby
