Friday, February 04, 2011

Alas, in the finest and simplest luxury of slinking my aching mind back in my resting arena of a couch. All kinds of thoughts and intentions have belted at me this week, yet there is not one that is recollected to be prominent enough to be executed. My mind seems adrift, nearly blank, but surely there are thousands of these matters that totter at the back of this thinking space. There is just too much love lost this year, so much loss that tragedy appears eminent.

Here in the well of my heart, I wish I could be the best of everything that I am - first and most formally, a daughter; an other half to the man who loves me certainly as much as I do him; a best friend to the strangers God have sent to be inclined to feel as near as family. These people, are the closest I have to family.

Hope as a position, is devlishly interpreted as vacant, but I am no fool to the marvels of hope, and there is hope everywhere. There is love every corner we turn, and my corner of this fundamental of hope is within you.

I love you.