Sunday, February 22, 2009

5 Tips for Your Long Distance Relationship

1. Use a web cam (CHECKED)

A web cam is a great way to interact with your mate while you are apart. Connect your web cam to your computer and use your favorite messaging utility (MSN, Yahoo, AOL, etc.) and not only will you be able to hear your mate, but you will also be able to see your mate.

2. Take pictures of everyday activities and send them to your mate (CHECKED)

A picture is worth a thousand words and can help you and your mate feel closer together in your long distance relationship. Today, with most cell phones equipped with a digital camera and cameras small enough to fit in your pocket, it’s very easy and convenient to take pictures and email them to your mate. With pictures, your mate can easily know what you are talking about when you describe the great party you went to or the new hairstyle that you just got. Some other examples of when you can take a picture are listed below:

* arrow New outfit that your have purchased.
* arrow Family or friends get together.
* arrow Changes to your bedroom.
* arrow Changes to your physical appearance (hairstyle, piercing, etc.)
* arrow Pictures of your office or cubicle.

3. Send gifts to your mate’s from their local country or city (CHECKING IN PROCESS. You baby?)

You can save a lot of money by searching the Internet for local companies to buy from and deliver your gifts.

4. Use text-messaging capability to keep in touch more frequently (CHECKED)

Text messaging can be a simple was to keep in touch with your mate in a long distance relationship. For those across the border relationships, this can also be an inexpensive way to communicate. It’s not always convenient to call, so text messages are a good alternative. You can send good night messages or little love notes throughout the day.

5. Trust your mate (CHECKING NOW AND THEN. You baby?)

Ideas of mistrust can easily seep into the minds of those involved in a long distance relationship because you don’t get to physically see your mate. They may be saying that they are not seeing anyone else, but how do you know that for sure hundreds or even thousands of miles away? This mistrust can ultimately lead to the relationship ending. You should approach the trust issue in a long distance relationship the same way as you would in a normal relationship. If there is no indication or evidence of cheating, it is most likely not happening.