Thursday, February 14, 2008

It happens. One day you let someone take your heart apart, you let that someone inspect its tiniest, most delicate mechanisms. And when that someone's gone, you try to put it back together again, but you find that it's ticking differently. You'll attempt at fixing the parts that requires mending, but the clock's not the same altogether. Just not the way it used to be, could have been, or should have been anymore. Your whole life thereafter, you'll discover that opportunities given and granted, actually turns out futile. And whether or not you're with or without the missing pieces that complete you, you're still somehow, unfixed, fragile, broken, unrepairable.

Cause and effect; some a great turnout, some a heinous failure, some unintended, some unexpected. Everything happens for a reason. Reasons we may or may not depict or ever fathomable. The big ol Man up there has a vast infinite of well-intended plans for every individual. There are blessings who come in forms of irreplaceable kinship, reconciliation with loved ones, or even the simplest of appreciation like an apology. With every given, I'm blessed.

And just like cookies, love is actually sweet. It is hopeful, kind, thoughtful, simple, perfect, and well, oozes outbursts of flavours. All we have to do, is explore and embrace.

A happy 'wear yellow' Valentine's day to me, and to one and all.