Thursday, August 31, 2006

First/Twentieth months of fourth get-together, stayover, chalet, H5's second anniversary and Notre Dame Le Paris. The mention of it hypes me up. The whole of Wednesday was spent gorging on bits and pieces of food we splurged our money on. Being out with her causes incessant hunger pangs. We'll be taking a trip down to KC in the morning to visit secondary school teachers. It'll be the first time I'm visiting KC in a long while, and with her this round. She bought the sunglasses I eyed for the moment I began my undeciding tantrums. Hopefully, we'll get shopping done soon. I'm experiencing a fanatic bout of urge to shop, something which I have been doing in pittance this month. Also, this blog needs a new facelift. The monotony of this layout is getting to my concern.

You've always been special, since four years ago. The world knows that, but what's important is that you know it. I've loved you all along, my sweet surrealism.

If I lay here,if I just lay here,would you lie with me and just forget the world? I need your grace to remind me to find my own. All that I am, all that I ever was is here in your perfect eyes; they're all I can see.