Monday, March 17, 2008

Thoughts. There are always thoughts lurking somewhere, or else everywhere. Thoughts, these wandering invisibles, are forces that empower the streaks of humanity in us, in someone as iced up inside as me. Everyone is born humane, it's the cultivation of humanity that carves people into a better race, as individuals and as one. Thoughts, they stir constant emotions and possible dramatic encounters in our everyday hustle and bustle, it's only control that gravitates us down when reality intercepts with ambitions and dreams. Thoughts, more than often, under the crush of human nature, lead us to dark and neverending impossibilities. These impossibilities are designed only because we ourselves choose to path it. Thoughts, are the power we are priveleged to and thoughts, teach us painful lessons.

We ought to learn. I'm trying. God knows I am.

People, ambitions, incidents, occurences, coincidences, accidents, failures, success, whichever they may come and be, they're God's form of hope to those who deem life hopeless. My life is hope itself, so is yours. So may you, readers, overcome bricked rocks of obstacles and hardships, the hopeful way I'm embracing mine, with the grace of loved ones and the Lord.

Love. Ah, love. Many speak of it, few have been gracious enough to experience it. Love is gifted in many forms and this much I know, that I have much to be grateful for. A what you would label broken family, now gradually reconciling (sure there are hiccups but we're all working towards a same goal), new found job with loving companions, a passion for communicating and educating the youth of our times, a failed relationship that endured a good four years and romantic opportunities awaiting my call. The opposite of love isn't hate, but indifference. Hatred is childish animosity stacked up on the lack of communication and understanding. Cliche, but love the person you hate, you will realise that there isn't much to hate. Life's too short to be wasted on hating. Spend it welcoming love, maybe you wouldn't be too blinded to know that you've actually found it.

Tonight, I'm all about thoughts and the wonders of them.

And now, I'm thinking of the good times Hougean's Huntanks have blessed me with the past week. These blissful thoughts and images will tide me through bad phases at camps. The Lord has blessed me, and I know He has.

Thank you, HunTanks, for making the Hougeans camp a marvellous week to experience and remember.