Tuesday, September 01, 2009

Cumulatively, an estimated 7 hours have been (rather confidently) clocked into studying for commercial law test over the past 3 days, which happens today. With fingers crossed, the case studies have been inserted into the memory system. Thank God for sticky post-its.

Jerome spent a night and a day over at my place, providing me with guidelines (and sleeping). Feeling appreciative of his arrival at a late 12ishAM last night after his piano lessons, I decided to whip up an impromptu lunch this afternoon, as promised, to cook for him after not being able to accomplish this for a long time due to many circumstances. So char siew soya tuna green noodles it was! My bad, for adding too much vegetables to the lunch, which he couldn't really bring himself to enjoy. Practically the whole bar of Cadbury Top Deck chocolates were consumed within less than a span of 24 hours, but it was all good. After a really hearty dinner opposite my place at our usual simple food-fare, we continued the short break by heading to 7-11's to intrigue ourselves with more Little Miss and Mr euphoria! My Mr Happy has been nothing but a sweetheart, sparing every possible thought for me at every interval thinkable.

Right now, there are dozens of contract law terms drifting afloat in my paranoia while the curbing of the nerve-wreck isn't exactly working. Tonight doesn't spell a late one for me, comparing it with the nights of the past weeks. I think I'm more tired than I imagine myself to be.

Exams are due in two months' time, so no more complacency for me. It's down to starting mugging from now and it's with utter contentment to its fullest context that Baby's with me this semester. Lunch with Baby before his lectures later, then to the library to revise.

Good morning. I miss you, awesome boyfriend.