Saturday, August 14, 2010

The students played their songs so diligently melodious and so beautifully in sync. My prayers were subtly answered with one of the purest of all creations - children. My first heart to heart conversation with my best friends happened today. In a day, I was shown three forms of love that lit a warmth in my low spirit. Literally put, these three were innocence, friendship and family. Metaphorically interpreted, they were hope, faith and love; God's three.

God heard and He listened.

Overwhelmed, I prayed, as I have done fervently for the past weeks, I prayed for God to shower you with such love. Such love to fill you with content. I pray you find love, the way I found it for you. I pray you appreciate love. I prayed, for the love of forgiveness, to forgive anyone who has crossed me with ill emotions and intentions. And above all, I pray, that I will find forgiveness and love in my heart, to wish all these for you every single day from today.