Friday, July 31, 2009

After a hectic series of council alignments, yesterday was finally a proper and qualitative day spent with Jerome. He absolutely loved the durian and chocolate banana muffins I baked and that makes me happy. It was a simple yet really fulfilling date, with him cooking noodles for us and dining in the evening to his grandma's really splendid Chinese home-cooked food. It's already Friday and we get to (at last) have our MacDonalds meal together, after not touching fast food for quite a bit! Baby's joining me for my OG's gathering and I will be crashing his jamming session thereafter. Tomorrow will be fish-shopping and tank-decorating with him and I'm just thankful to be able to have time alone with him.

It's one of those I-spent-day-with-boyfriend-and-I-did-all-this-today entries but I'm happy, albeit stricken with a bout of hefty tiredness. To a good day to me, to him, to us.

I love you baby, so much.