This entry is directed especially to a close friend of mine. No names will be disclosed throughout any course of this or any other entries.
I cannot get it, why women love throwing themselves at men, being at their beck and call. It's a disgrace and shame to women's dignity. Fancy a supposedly 'proper' lady being so hard up for a guy's love. Once bitten, twice, not shy. All men want is just a tight fuck. Don't get it, why don't women get it? They are even willing parties to initiate to being toyed, of their bodies and of their emotions. Is it worth it? I am not generalising, because men have themselves categorised in such a manner due to their uncontrolled hormonal urges being a constant. Thus, women who encourage such behaviors are yielding to naiveness.
Stupid women truly reap what the sow. I get speechless whenever women get cheated by men, physically or emotionally. Many times, I would curse men, wishing I could cast spells on them for them to be immediately castrated. And the women, fucked until the guy dumps them, driving them to a tragic state of a dead end. But what happens what it's a close friend of mine, who constantly gets played with by men? Should I say, that she too, reaps what she sows, and that she deserves the consequences?
My late best friend for example, she was cheated more than three times in the course of a year's relationship with a butch. She relented to the unfaithfulness, although terribly shattered and hurt by the butch. Eventually, she turned to giving her heart to a guy, who is now seeing another friend of hers, after she passed away for two years.
When you have a swarm of lustful men surrounding you, you totally dismiss the fact that you were once burned from your previous experience. They only target your pussy, girl. They aren't interested in marrying a 17 year old girl who isn't ready to commit. Maybe I'm naming too many wrong facts, but you yourself know it best. Your close friends have been here to tide you through the medical traumas and the mental gruel, yet you take no gratitude in your friends once you have more men after you. Don't you feel that attraction and seduction is beyond what we will grow up to be? We might be young but that doesn't give you the right to fool around in a way such that you will only need your close friends when your pot has been broken. As a friend, I have given you heaps of advices, which I don't see you heeding. The trust you choose to grant to the guy of your choice, is entirely your decision. What I hope is that you don't get carried away by the temporary glory you're savouring now. You have friends who are constantly worrying, wishing for the best for you and your life. I hope you appreciate that, instead of making friends feel like you're manipulating them. Take pride in the sex you give to take.
To a close friend: Read this with an open heart. You know you need to change. My two cents' worth will always be here, persistently serving as a form of nag in anxious hope that you may someday realise that you're not only hurting yourself, but the friends whom have endlessly tried to advice you and pray for you. You have my love always. I don't want to see you getting burned again.