Monday, December 25, 2006

The unconventional embarkment of 2006's Christmas began with an assortment of cookies. Our kitchen transitioned into a mini-bakery and a trusty shelter of solace. I've got to admit, this Christmas has deviated so much from the others I've ever celebrated. With Father Don Brosco doing a little solo jingle and carolling to 'Have a Merry Christmas', the festive celebration does seem uplifting.

So much has taken a turn for change, like how June found Zaki and lived happily ever after, how people like Jul and Xue moved on, how I managed to hold up to three jobs at a go just to prove a point, how I watch my dog's growing older by the day, how I've already reached my third and final year of the diploma and ultimately, how I'm ruled out as a swinging single again. I look in the eyes of the people I love and I see so much strength. It's in their strength that I found reasons to negotiate between the mind and the heart.

I've fount Christmas and its purest essence, in the heart of my home. So cheers, to determination, strength, love, hope, faith and 2007.