Bailed out on chuakachua on tonight's supposed stayover(New pet name! We never run out on those :D) due to my sudden reminder regarding Psychology common test tomorrow. However, stayover at chuakachua's place is still on tomorrow after partying at Barcelona! I'm partially done mugging for the final psychology paper tomorrow.
It's going to be a berserk week of accumulated projects and assignments and online quizzes. Preparations for Street Mesh are undoubtedly chaotic but that's probably the way we function.
All girls love dressing up. Glam glam glam!
Chuakachua darling, I'm sorry about today. Thank you for your rotiboy of love you brought all the way from your workplace. You've been nothing but tasty saccharine. I'm all hyped up for tomorrow, wholely spent with you. I miss you, so much.