Looking on the slightly brighter side of things today, I was tuned in to the radio and discovered a song, the type that makes people feel good and tingly, though sometimes the lyrics may suggest otherwise. Plus, my sister blasted the National Day Rally 2009 the moment she came back and for once in my life, I actually absorbed most of what was being said. No offence to National Day and the Prime Minister and the state's affairs, but I'm just plain lazy.
Fireflies - Owl City
Mum just requested to switch on some good music to croon her to sleep and so I picked Warwick Avenue from the playlist. Forgetting to listen to its lyrics, she said "this is a nice love song", as she continued humming to it.
Not a clue what tomorrow has in store for me, but I damn well better get my ass to studying. It's the month of tests. I do hope tomorrow bodes things worth being happy about.
The bigger the laughter, the warmer my heart gets. Who would have ever thought that love would come in the most retarded (and good looking) package of irritance and affections, all in one?