Friday, June 06, 2008

I've turned 21 and I'll tell you, my life has never been better. With a rumble of words congested amidst sentimental pleasures that life offers, images would do my days best justice. I'll begin my indites with my birthday bashes.

Thank you once again, too all who have brightened my days with incessant laughter, joy and nostalgia.

3 watches from Gen!

From Desmond

From Potato, Leisha and Desmond.

The chalet!

Darren, Ivan and me. I was really surprised Darren attended! The Andrew people!
The ones I hold so dear.
The traditional "taupok"

My little Hougang boyfriends. The sabotage begins
The sabotaged

Camp High Achievers rockers!

Then more surprised me with their arrivals!



The pooch with mittens Boyfriend bought this cake!

My presents from colleagues

The family celebration

Aww, presenting my dearest blood relations

Camwhoring in the car

The boyfriend's surprise. The day we became us.

The all-family barbeque with boyfriend

Mine (:

My good-looking nephews Lios
Boyfriend struggling to open the bottle of wine

I've never seen them both smile in a photo, until this. (:

I love this photo

They love him, seriously.

Hey, she's heavy

I love you too Popo

My 16 pointer!

Tampines secondary - 2e5

The skies are beautiful, aren't they?

I love this girl!

Chee hwa trying to pick a papaya

Song session - night one

Toilet platoon

Me and my mirror

The morning emotional stirrings in a chief For sentimental purposes
(Haha) Don't ask
2e5, our pride and joy

Looking at the photos, I'm indeed going to miss my days at CampHA terribly. It has been a roller coaster of an experience, one that's endeared and unforgettable. I would like to extend my heartfelt gratitude to Andrew Quek and Ian Ho, the two best CICs, for grooming me and having faith in the potential I possessed. Thank you, for the greatest memories, appreciated opportunities, and weeks of gruelling (but fun) camps. Politics may have gotten in our way, but you both hold the cake of my admiration and respect most amongst all others. I could never thank you both enough.

CampHA has indeed provided me with the best chances to renew my tainted past and regenerate this new leash of blissful life I have never dreamed to have but still have discovered. Thank you CampHA, and to all those whom I have worked with the past half a year.

With all that's moving on so smooth-sailingly, worry is but void. The only things lacking are my admission confirmation and his scholarship confirmation. The boyfriend's parents even went to the extent of asking me if I'd prefer many children in the family, during the meet-the-parents dinner. His parents are really hospital and thoughtful, which lessens the worry more.

As for my family, they adore this NHW of mine. My grandmother was overwhelmed with pride and joy when she met him. It's an irreplaceable emotion, to be fully aware that people I love, are in entire acceptance of the choices I make.

And with all these progressing gradually, it feels more right as each day clocks by. It's a wonderful reality and I will do nothing less than to cherish the man I've made decision to be with.

I'm nearly complete now, but I'm completely contented. You have thus showed and proved to me that you got me there and you got me through it. Thank you Lord, for my family, my potato and Leisha, my Dana and Phoebe, my education, my blessed days, my NHW and your loving grace.

And you, my NHW, sleep well and all the best for your scholarship presentation in the morning. Till this weekends. (: