Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Where dreams design an emulsion of the unfrantic and tranquil surreal state of sanity, where superstitious eyes avert their subject of immersion, where the plains of imagery are surface, where life is lived by the rules of the old school, where bashfulness spells saccharine innocence, where words become divine with overwhelming depth; where mortality beyonds heaven.

It's funny how one person in the group gets hooked up, leaving the other two stranded in singlehood. It's funnier how the one person who is unavailable becomes available, while another person in the clique gets taken up, leaving the other two drifting in excessive freedom. It's funny how that one person always remains single, despite the other two switching partners every now and then, experimenting new adventures. It's amusing, how relationships become a cycle of our development towards adulthood when all we ever do is play the fools, in Love's namesake.

It's funniest, how my best friend (Xue) called up twice out of the blues to enquire about the definition of the word 'Deviation'.

Hokkein version
Li wu wa zai "li ho bo"
English version
You had me at "hello"