Double dated with my loveliest best friend and her Peter-Mary date, Gen!
We were a tad bit later than the other two but we weren't late. Ichiban Sushi was what best friend decided on, so Ichiban it was. We walked to Cathay and Gen (the trickster) fooled me into trudging toward the wrong entrance. Best friend ended up in such a huge fit of guffaws that she ended up crumbling all over the floors of Cathay. By the way, best friend burped when we poked fun at her prissy image she always carries.
Shrill howls of wind knocks against the window panes. The morning-night skies flame with overweight clouds while fragrance of rainfall sifts into pausal breaths. My senses cloud with thoughts of an anticipating downpour; my arms feel empty and the spaces surrounding me are missing a safe embrace. Suddenly, realisation hit me that I am simply missing you.