The whole concept of commitment and compromise is warped, just like how a mindset is shaped and customized to various circumstances, which also causes it to warp. Sad songs stop making you sad whilst the happy songs annoy the happy lark out of you. The words you wish to clarify are swimming in the recesses of ambiguous emotions, leaving the ones around you to either love you more or love you less, or eventually, stop loving you. These philosophies of love we have, they never practice the way they are preached, which warps the whole firmness of your stand and drives in more confusion to current situations.
In the midst of all that complexity, there was also inner peace and sheer happiness, while you loved me, which is also the key reason to why I'm a walking contradition of everything I say of late.
I've built my world around a certain someone before; a certain someone who swept me off my size-5.5 feet, a certain someone who tucked me before I turned into bed, a certain someone who watched me from afar, a certain someone who battled for me and with me, a certain someone who was honest to me about me being irritating, a certain someone who was superstitious enough to believe that buying a loved one a shoe will be equivalent to sending the loved one out of her life, a certain someone who taught me how to love and made me feel loved.
Ask me what I want, who I love, where I wish to be; I'll tell you everything I know currently but life's really tangled right now but I gurantee that I'll be certain about my wants and needs, if you just grant me more time to fight conflicting split personalities.