My internet connection's not functioning to its optimum.
Professional Communication for Design - the designers will be retrieving free tickets for Street Mesh because we will be the ones solely responsible for not screwing up the organization of the party. The client has set a quota of 100 tickets for us to sell; exceed the quota and we profit from the commission. Paperwork alone spells chaos and disorganisation.
I am motherfucking bored. The post-menstruation syndrome isn't helping, so... GROWLS. Gail can kiss my sweet ass! Detest blogging randomly but I guess there has got to be an exception somewhere. Beside me there is this pile of files and bound documents for me to get my ass on but I'm simply too worn out from the waiting hours. Karlsen will be fixing the fucking connection later while I'm not at home for $50. Life gets so contradictory sometimes. When I have a rocking internet connection at home, I get bored with having to face the web all day. Now that the connection's down, I'm suffocating without the freedom to click on the Internet Explorer and being able to surf the net.
I miss that senger. SENGER!
Party Event: Street Mesh
Venue: Barcelona, alongside Mohammad Sultan Road (behind Double O)
Time: 10pm - 3am
Per ticket: $18/--
Here's the deal: There will be a pour on the house per ticket! For age 18 and above.
What's this all about?: Street style and hip hop. Plenty of groovy happenings like beatboxing, breakdancing, hip hop dancing, live graffiti-writing and wild partying!
Who to call?:
Cheryl @ 93821407
C @ 91818409
Lina @ 90013544