Sunday, June 27, 2004

Out of the sudden, I'm having the urge to blog, when I just did so in less than 10 hours. The kitchen sketch screwed up real badly, so I'll take an attempt on it later when I'm back from lunch. First week of school only and I'm apprehensive of how I'm going to fare and how much more work I'll be expecting. And naturally, I'm dreading drawing fundamentals, only because I assume my drawing skills have detiorated.

The harsh living standards of this fucking society doesn't allow know-nothing freshies like myself to really spare more time thinking of anything else. I really would love to make more time for dating and other leisure activities, but by the time I'm finished with everything, I'm too worn out to get anything else accomplished. If I had the boldness and guts to say it, I'd tell my girlfriend that I need her as much as she needs me, that her presence, physically or spiritually, means tons to me. Each and everyday she's officially unemployed, I'm praying that she will clinch one soon.

And I love you.