Saturday, June 19, 2004
TP's Design school rocks the world! These 4 days of orientation churned out nothing but fun! Today there was water bombing; east VS west. East won, naturally and obviously. Gatsby guy (Kelvin from Tahoma) claimed the Freshman of Design School title. Unexpectedly, there was a water-shower chucked from all the other storeys up-to-down by the seniors. Must say I got quite close to Wendy, Joel and other girls. Triplex won the cheerleading competition! Wendy was going gaga over this particular butch; she was practically drooling, or some sort.
Now I'm dreading the start of school. Ren's staying over at my place tonight, finally! After not seeing her for so many days. I think I'll miss the orientation and its fun. Okays I'm so fucking lethargic. To bed I'm heading. Nights! Love all! Love ren.