I felt the sting again today, when you stepped in all by yourself, when you turned, as if looking over to speak to me, only to realise you were not. I could pretend I'm happy and contented with my little, and I did. But what lies underneath keeps another story. Most of me that you will see is but surface. Nobody will witness my fall. The cold is changing me, and I hate you, you fucking jerk.
Yes. If it is really necessary to know, I am angry. I'm angry with all the motherfucking hypocritical Friends I've been surrounded with; acting 2 sides to every thing that I believed so gullibly(is there such a word?) in whatever they have ever said to me. I hate this world, for everything it has done to hurt me. The world is indeed turning its turn at a 360 on my side now. God, I hate these nights when I have to cry so hard to get rid of my heart being at my throat. I'm creation's flaw; I'm the remainder of all that God made. This is one of the days when I wish I had Marion next to me, so that I wouldn't have to be here crying all alone.
//so you take the smiles, and I'll take the tears