A few random pin-ups for now. Make do, since fatigue is thrashing my stamina. Firstly, PComD's interview with Felix is wound up with a pass although he did comment that I was a little wrecked by my nerves and it happened to be apparent. I had to painstakingly accept the role as standard-setter as I pioneered the interviewing sessions. Well, kudos to my peers.
I never expected MMScript to be inflated with work to this extent. There's a new submission every week (except this) and this arduous process goes on until week 15.
Currently, Mummy's flushing all my brainstorming down the pits with her unconventional ideas which may actually spark off inspiration for new web designs. Amazing, what the people in other fields of occupation can churn out that you can never figure.
Luscious; Baby took the honours of sending me home from school; she provided me a $50 'pocket allowance' this week (mind you, I get $50 from Baby every week during her course of working life :D) and even bought Body Shop eye shadow colour for me (Brown glitter/metallics $28.90, 4 cubes). I'm going to doll up gorgeously from today onwards. Nique and I bought Mamee (10 pack in 1) and Meiji chocolate/strawberry biscuit dip and fox fruit assorted crystal candies and stationery. All sponsored by baby. We are going to go get M card, so that we can lovingly text our lives away. So much more we're going get down to doing and have accomplished together!
Last night - a terribly rough ordeal for Baby and I to deal with. I am sorry I harboured thoughts of leaving you and having us separated just to resolve issues. I love you baby, have been loving you for so long. We're nearing our first official anniversary and I am ecstaticly thrilled. You owe me nano!
I should be so lucky, lucky lucky lucky!