Monday, December 26, 2005

Words, I offer you according to the levels of my moods and temperaments. Comfort and ease; if only they were as giveable as meer poems and prose. Although lip service may temporarily soothe the injury inflicted, the inner snugness is impossible to stay. There may be abundant declaration of deranged sentiments to flood the entire archives of a record in one year, you and I, we all know that sweet lip devotion will never provide tenderness and warmth. The implementation of thoughtfulness mouths the words you and I need not speak. Being constantly mindful of the actions we carry out, hence the mutual respect being instantaneous. Although words appear cheap, I simply hope that words alone might act as a catalyst to a good working relationship, only because I wouldn't permit myself to the over-consuming emotion of regret (of never trying to the utmost). And if words do work my purposeful functions, nothing will get better than this. With all these, I just want to let you know, that I love you so much.

The proud peacock on the right Kiss me where your mouth is closest to
Me - her personal photographer

Your love is amazing