Right, so it's dawning soon at 2:32am (mind you, since 9:15pm). The MMSW1 assignment is reaching completion and I am relieved because I will have to deal with another assignment due next week. My eyelids are squeezing teardrops out just to clarify vision. The work mountain is stacking up, and I have less than a semester to fulfill my best works to be showcased for portfolio.
Tanning today was unsuccessful because the sun got into hiding. Anyway, we'll be going for a sun-bath later this week again. Baby wanted to purchase a gift for me today - iPod Nano, but I figured that little contraption wasn't worth the moolah. So I considered Zen Neon, which designs and interface flawed big time. Baby's scrimping and filling up her pocket to get me a 20GB U2 iPod! Today she travelled miles for me, went the extra length just to see my face lit with a smile. Saccharine spells it all in her latest blog entry, too bad nobody gets to see the declaration since her blog is under a lock of password.
I have much to blog, but all's random.
This myriad of perplexed emotions is wrecking my sanity. All I wish, is for us to be happy and in love, smitten like before. My fingers tremble and shuddered ice at the picture of me aging towards the future without you by my side. My pledge I want to keep. For all the mean things I said, let my tongue be poisoned with venom. For all the pain you're undergoing because of me, let me be stripped off and handicapped of my mean human nature. Let me. I love you Nique Chua.