Friday, April 02, 2004

Love me my golden ass please. Stop invading into my blog, I set the password so that you would just steer clear and get the drift, but you're so persistent. It was love we once had, I was sure of what I felt for you til things got out of hand. I waited like a fool for you to be back to get to me everyday, but you simply went out with your friends without realising my wanting/needing for you to be here to at least sort out a bit of communication gap we were having. I admit I never told you that, but the hints were sufficient to sum up to any direct speech. What goes around, come around. Indeed, the saying speaks a million words. I didn't promise you forever, although I promised you never-to-leaves. It's my fault, for not being able to communicate nicely with you. Maybe it was just a love that went wrong, or perhaps, you trusted me THIS much to spout out that I never loved you. But nevertheless, thank you for everything we once had, the friendship to love, then the love to friendship.

Gonna get my nails cut, piano lessons' later. Keep waking up late lately. I hope school doesn't start too soon for me. I'm hoping to go work a little before I start work, the enrolment packages are out.