Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Jullie passed on today.
Friggin' car.
I curse you you asshole whoever you are.
She just laid there lifelessly at the pavement with her blood stained on the pavement.
Life's cruelty.
But I'm sure she's happier wherever she is now.

Hey yeah I'm pointing out to You!
What makes you think you're a perfect friend and I should actually look up to you as an example of a good friend?
Do I nod my head to YOU two timing someone who loves you and someone whom you Claim you love?
Come on Jinyu..
A true friend,
Are you even one?
You come and go as and when you like.
I've hurt you upteen times?
Haven't You?
You've made me search my soul SO many times but have YOU searched yours?
You overestimate yourself gal.
Thinking that the whole world would be hard up for you.
You're missing out on loads of facts in life.
You started the war.
Now no matter what whoever's gonna do this war WILL prolong.
Thanks alot 'Friend'.
Shouldn't She have the right to know the mess you've created outside?
You did her wrong,
I did her wrong.
Admit it..
I'm partially at fault,
But stop being a friggin' childish senseless lamer by acting as the Angel Friend.
You're not.

To my sista June : You promised! THURS!

A friend turned foe?