Look into my eyes
You will see
All you mean to me
Search your heart
Search your soul
When you're finally there you'll search no more
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for
You can't tell me it's not worth dying for
You know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for You
Look into my heart
You will find
There's nothing there to hide
Take me as I am
Take my life
I would give it all I would sacrifice
Don't tell me it's not worth fighting for
I can't help it there's nothing I want more
Yeah know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
There's no love
Like your love
And no other
Could give more love
There's nowhere
Unless you're there
All the time
All the way
Don't tell me it's not worth trying for
I can't help it there's nothing I want more
I would fight for you
I'd lie for you
Walk the wire for you
Yeah I'd die for you
Yeah know it's true
Everything I do
I do it for you
Didn't go school today.
Refuse to run 2.4km for nothing.
Tuition homework's helluva lot to finish.
Slept late last night though was tired.
But couldn't get to sleep cause was anxious to get e reply from her.
Anjula told me about her having this strong feeling that majority of Us would turn the straight path eventually,
All except her.
Baby wanted to get into Dad's car so bad she was crying at the carpark.
She's just too adorably lovable and irresistable to love.
It is these little things which adds to one's life's history book.
These things which remain in your memories vividly for the rest of your life.
I'm referring to my dog in the last four lines by the way in case you didn't know.
Once again I decided to invade into Wanping's blog.
Didn't know she was this sentimental.
Wondering why we never worked out.
But I am happy where I stand now,
So the guilt in me will just have to be imprisoned in me like unbrushable crimes.
Listening to some songs can sure make you darn emotional and sentimental (aw man i love bryan adams!)
Uncontrollably the memories come rushing into your mind.
And you end up unable to stop thinking of the things you have and haven't done in life,
The regrets the pain the joy the happiness,
I lay on my bed
Thinking of the words you said
My life saw light
Knowing you were by my side
You told me you felt down
Wished I could be there to rest on my hands gently on yours
And tell you everything was alright
For all the wishes I have made for you
I wish for you to be happy
Loving anyone isn't easy
But these hard moments pulled through would make us stronger than before
Every moment with you
I wish could be eternity
Let's not wait for loving
Let it come
Please forgive me
For I onced judged you for what you were
Believe in me
I'll stand by your side no matter what you do
Every word I say is true
And I truly truly love You =)