Thursday, February 17, 2005

128 colours to be precise; that I have been struggling to mix and match for the past five hours. Such irony; to achieve perfection in all 128 colours, yet my life in printed black white and shades of gray.

Just this morning, I was compelled to witness my parents' quarrel, over an harmless religious ornament. Childish, indeed, digressing. It works when the giving and the taking spreads evenly. Nobody takes more and nobody takes less. Give like you'll never be able to seize the opportunity to again. Give, without anticipating the taking. Offer love generously, for you'll receive much more than given, only a matter of sooner or later. Every survives on the constant and monotonous giving and taking.

Their marriage isn't going to falter, for by the grace of God, I will be his instrument to paint rainbows into their love.