Wednesday, February 23, 2005

IMDP1 presentation is finally done over with. Boy am I glad! I think I fared better than usual today for the presentation. Anyway, to hell with that and hello again to Colour and Life Drawing. To Fort Canning tomorrow I will be after Colour lecture, and then back to school again to doodle around with Page Builder at the multimedia lab. So much work, so little time.

The surrealism in my life seems to be fading away; the life I'm living seems to be loaded with monotony. I'm trying to imply me having to get a life during the holidays. I'll get back to my rendering and colour aeroplanes and finally, studying LDSCHR. I've been efficiently keeping up with my last-minute finish-ups. Orientation is coming up too! 12 days of orienteering the new freshies and I'll finally be a junior. The term freshie/freshman is such a rip off label for Year 1 students.

I keep having bad dreams lately. Usually they'll call it a nightmare, but it doesn't apply here. Nightmares are those which comprise of vampires, dinosaurs, frankensteins, and whatever other weird creature you can name. One life nightmare for real are indian girls. I wasn't a racist actually, but some indian girl disgusted me by going around claiming she's Eurasian. Good lord, what shallowness; big time turn off black thing with a plastacine smile. You need to be shown how a real genuine smile is like. You know who you are when you read this, I hope.

Oh I'm so bitchy.