Sunday, May 02, 2004

hello ladies and bungabungs....the love ly person is here to stae...*i hear applauses*bows...yep..

to bimbo: hi bimbo, waddsup, no dun answer, u no life one, so i guess nth's up

to cheryl: hi*sincere face* WADUPS, another no life one, hais...nvm why bother!

to ppl i dunno: hi ppl: i'm june, hi! nice to see u patronising this area, like hello, do u noe hu i am....DO U?!??!?! well i'm june..i think i said tt alr

todae, horrid dae, was suppose to study but melissa, oh yes sweet melissa had to disturb my bud-tie!!! ...yes. and some ppl just love jumping to conclusion, no one in perticular but basically ppl

it's weird when ppl are uncompassionate or cant see things both waes, it sucks when ppl you love seem to change faster than the friggin weather or smth. its weird when ppl u love see u in a wae which is so not u and its so hard to justify the in justice u are receiving . theres so much that u wud want to do yet nth u can do.

in a nutshell, we got to understand ppl and think both waes. give love, unconditionally. its a gift 4m god..teehee. but lesbianism is a sin so naturally it wun work out, some wae, some how. nth last forever. ppl gotta love each other and except each other differences....okok...melissa i'm not acting like a nun or smth...i'm outta here...mean while, to my one entry


- me, june-