Tuesday, May 04, 2004
Updates for yesterday.
Initial schedule was to meet Denise and Marie, but I needed to submit some shit to TP personally, so I couldn't make it (*Sorry Denise and Marie!). Met up with Jyren. Accompanied her to her work place till around 6:30pm. Watched The Passion Of The Christ halfway till she decided she'll watch it the day after. Her stupid working neighbour kept flirting with she and I. Jyren was really sweet, cause She rang up along with Nique, naturally I'd be feeling so upset, close to breaking down, and Jyren was there to console me and all. Revolting please. Went down Orchard Meridien to wait for Fox and Fengling, waited for around half an hour and they were already inside monstercue. Fine and well, we headed in to find for them, they already started out with pool without Jyren. I didn't join them though. Mer came to join us by herself. Boey and her 2 friends (forgot their names) joined us too. And soon pool didn't seem entertaining enough, so we headed for PS to catch a movie. We all thought we could catch Koma but the last show had already ended. So we went starbucks and slacked. Everyone was crazy (shall not disclose to how and why). Mer's damn funny. Joker, she shall me my new laughing kaki. Jyren bought me a couple of drinks and sent me home cause it was late she insisted that it wasn't safe. Barely even 10 minutes after I stepped home, she called me. I was surprised and yet, crestfallen again. She spoke very nicely, and we had a proper chat.
But I couldn't tolerate the overwhelming feeling building inside me from talking to you, so I insisted on hanging up. You know, the feeling whereby the someone you love speaks to you, and somehow you know you can't really have her, and it eats you up inside? Whereby you truly miss someone so much, till your head implodes into so countless thoughts of that someone. And noone else made me feel that way. I'm about to lose my sanity just setting my thoughts on you. Perhaps nothing now will prove to you that I'm loving you the way I am, it doesn't matter. This is something I have to live with to compensate and pay off for the mistakes I've made. I've erred and I will try my best to change, as I've promised you. And I don't want to get over you. After all that has happened, I can't find myself loving you any less. And I have no explanations for this queer ending, except that this is real love I'm feeling for you. I hope you're happy in whatever you do, cause you being happy would make me happy now. That will be all I ask of you now.