After doing the Colour Final Project, I've come to realise that I do bear favouritism for retro colours although I insist on only preferring black and white. I've calculated and I'm about to spend roughly $16 on the printing of this stupid project. I should compose a petition to reduce costs for the subject, and make the people of design school sign it. And to top up to all those complaints, I would like to add something else : Temasek Polytechnic is NOT equipped with sufficient laser-printers, which resulted in me and some others spending double the amount of what I should be spending my money on. In times of such turmoil and mass needs, the school isn't doing its part to aid our financial strain. I swear I almost broke into tears just trying to find a printer to print my work.
This is depressing. Here it is; another reason for me to be scrimping on everything, all over again. I can't even sit back to enjoy my holidays without bearing the dreadful thought of being broke. I'll need a job to upkeep myself.