Monday, November 15, 2004
I had to double task today during work; I was the setter and the food runner. That stinky danny made me do his portion of work for him. Dad fetched me home immediately after work when I specially requested for supper with the whole family. What a sad turn for the day. Very well, so we rushed home to catch The American Next Top Model, with Mac's food and canned peaches. Pretty interesting thing to do together. Spoiler part of the whole thing was, at the very end of the whole show, I had to open my big gap and say "Who bought these rosaries from Spotlight?" What a fucking stupid question to be asking. Anyway, the whole atmosphere got tensed up and my mum and sis started quarrelling over doing charity for one's aunt on just buying 3 leftover measly bracelets. So I very reluctantly agreed to pay for all 8 bracelets, knowing that I'd have to slog another entire day just to pay for them. Well yeah, my insides ached a little to fork out with that money. But my nice sister eventually agreed to pay for those 3 bracelets, taking a total of a $9 burden off my chest and thoughts.
Happy belated birthday greetings to my beloved Marion, and that long-lost brother of mine Lerjun.
I miss Marion very very much. I don't really know how to describe this anymore; I'm getting real bad with the mushy words, but I miss her this much, more than any amount of words can be put into; more than any paragraph of tribute can be paid; more than any testimonials can ever mean. I hope you're up there feeling the words I'm longing to say to you. Death doesn't separate friends; death only draws the friendship into eternity.
I'd better scram before my emotions get the better of me.