Thursday, November 04, 2004

I'm anxious to be more than acquainted with you, but I don't know why or how. You spoke to me, and it brought me smiles. Your smiles were contagious; everytime you smiled at me, I couldn't help but return them. Maybe it's the way you strut your walk, maybe it's the way you do your hair. Maybe you're not the person I thought you to be, but it doesn't really bother me. What ever it is, you've got me attracted.

Today is mum's birthday. Didn't buy a gift so me and sis ganged up to make a banana split (influenced by Swensen's). It was a pretty sweet thing to do for someone's birthday. I would be moved to tears if my daughters (if I ever have any) did anything like that for me. Well, I'll have to be treating mum and aunt to lunch tomorrow, and they are planning on lunching at Swensen's at airport. A day off and I'm not spared from Swensens. Anyhows, happy birthday dear mum.

So I'll be spending my offday tomorrow with my mum, aunt and sis. My feet, hands and back are aching from the hustle and bustle everyday. They put me in charge of Alfresco again. Damn them for that. I'm looking forward to Friday's work. I look forward to work everyday now.
