Yesterday was Dana's birthday. Dana, Pb and I went to catch the movie Taxi. Oh my god, that Gisele girl (whatever her full name is), she is so darn sexy. I want her undressed on my bed. Anyway, enjoyed myself very much. Met Jyren up for fags and drinks and game at Rocky Master's. Dana and Jyren decided they wanted to play games and do forfeits. Jyren, Pb and I waited almost an hour for a cab home. But it was fun.
Today was equally fantastic. The H4, without Ingrid again, finally made the decision to make an excursion to the zoo. We've been planning since Children's Day, but haven't executed plans until now. We were on a budget-excursion; I brought this whole box of cereal, Dana brought bread with canned tunas, Pris brought little cupcakes from Bengawan Solo, and Phoebe brought a huge bottle of stand-by water and candies. It was raining almost the entire day, so we didn't get to walk much. My slipper broke and I had to use the safety pin on my bag as salvage for the situation. I have this cut on my second toe on my right foot; really hurts. But to sum up, the day always is enjoyable with my dearest H5. I hope Ingrid is okay. She didn't seem emotionally stable last night when she messaged me.
Okay, next thing to look forward to - Suntanning with Jinga and Dana baby, and hair-do this Saturday!