Monday, November 15, 2004
Something hit me while I was bathing, all in less than twenty minutes ago.
Blue, red, orange, purple hair and punk clothes don't define a designer; designers equip their wardrobes with t shirts and jeans, or whatever that makes them comfortable. It's what people make of themselves that causes designers to look the way they do now. All the funky hairstyles and crazy hairdos and colourings. I am greatly influenced and affected by the designer, Dennis Poon's speech that day, before the CampDesign happened. It was the method of marketing yourself and your works, rather than being rooted in front of the computer struggling all sorts of design. Of course that would be a plus point, but eventually it's still the way you market your works.
Done with that. On to work now; my shift's from 5 til 10 today. Seems like it's going to rain, since I just heard a blast of thunder over at the east direction from my computer. Last night I requested to work more before school starts; I need the income to tide me over Christmas shopping expenditures. I foresee my sis and mum buying me great stuff this year, and it wouldn't be nice if I had gotten them anything shabby like I always do, with the lack of thoughtfulness I carry. I'll be meeting Daryl and Nique (haven't informed her about this by the way) about the Christmas shopping spree this coming Thursday since the Akers BBQ isn't going to happen and I have urgent shopping to do before school starts.
The christmas tree has been put up, but the family's lacking of the string of lightings. Anybody kind souls out there to donate? We can't proceed to decorating the tree with ornaments before adding the lightings; it isn't complete you see.
I miss the H5, my Akers, and that wonderwoman with the lady-killer smile :)